Category archives for Women’s Health

Abstract | Regulation of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada

View full article | Regulation of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada View PDF Abstract: Regulation is always a complicated issue, but when you are a health professional in Canada it becomes even more complex. Health care is a provincial mandate in this country and while the federal government sets national policy for health care and regulates substances […]

Regulation of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada

The Ongoing Struggle Shawn O’Reilly Executive Director, Director of Government Relations, Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) Regulation is always a complicated issue, but when you are a health professional in Canada it becomes even more complex. Health care is a provincial mandate in this country and while the federal government sets national policy for […]

Abstract | Naturopathic Medicine Down Under

View full article | Naturopathic Medicine Down Under View PDF Abstract: Like most colonized countries in the Western world, Australia has a history of natural medicine use that dates back to the first settlement (by the British in 1788). The Government physician on the first fleet was quick to cultivate a physick or medicinal plant garden to […]

Naturopathic Medicine Downunder

David Stelfox, Grad Dip(WesternHerbMed) BachNat DipRemMass National Head of Naturopathy, Clinical Studies, Research Australian College of Natural Medicine Melbourne Australia   Like most colonized countries in the Western world, Australia has a history of natural medicine use that dates back to the first settlement (by the British in 1788). The Government physician on the first […]

Probiotics: Health Benefits to the Gut

Probiotics: Health Benefits to the Gut Sylvia Santosa, Edward Farnworth, and Peter Jones, PhD. Introduction Probiotics are defined as ttp:// Sylvia Santosa

Abstract | Red Raspberry Leaf: A Review of its Safety and Efficacy in Pregnancy and Labor

Abstract | p >Red raspberry leaf (RRL) (Rubus idaeus folium) is one of the most commonly used herbs during pregnancy and labor. Despite its widespread use very little is known about its safety and efficacy for pregnancy-related conditions. To address this we performed a review (e.g. MEDLINE, CINAHL) during 2004 for papers pertaining to this […]

Stress, anxiety and health status of participants volunteering for an Australian study for stress management

Stress, anxiety and health status of participants volunteering for an Australian study for stress management Expectations, stress and anxiety and health status Caroline Smith, PhD, Heather Hancock PhD Abstract Mind body therapies are increasingly being used by individuals to self-manage their stress. The purpose of this study is to describe the health status and expectations […]

Plant Sterols: Evidence to Support a Health Claim

Plant Sterols: Evidence to Support a Health Claim Sylvia Santosa, Suhad AbuMweis and Peter Jones Introduction Phytosterols, also termed plant sterols, are natural components of plants that play important roles in cell membrane integrity (1). Structurally, phytosterols are similar to cholesterol, with the only difference being the presence of an extra methyl, ethyl group or […]