Women’s Health
Women’s Health

Cover Illlustration: Christian McLeod Watching the Chair
Volume 2, Issue 1
Sumer 2005
Naturopathic Medicine Down Under
David Stelfox, Grad Dip(WesternHerbMed) BachNat DipRemMass
Regulation of Naturopathic Medicine in Canada
Shawn O
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine – The Final Frontier?
Edward Mills DPH, MSc
Reduction of symptoms associated with menopause: the efficacy of BioGest
Dr. Elizabeth Steels B.Sc. (Hon), Grad. Dip. Nutr., Ph.D.
Prevalence and Patterns of Complementary Therapy Utilization in Pregnant Women
Suzanna M. Zick, ND, MPH
Probiotics: Health Benefits to the Gut
Sylvia Santosa
Red Raspberry Leaf: A Review of its Safety and Efficacy in Pregnancy and Labor
Suzann M. Zick, ND, MPH
Stress, anxiety and health status of participants volunteering for an Australian study for stress management
Caroline Smith, PhD
Plant Sterols: Evidence to Support a Health Claim
Sylvia Santosa
Special Topics Report on Diabetes
Konrad Kail, ND, PA
Report on Environmental Medicine
Walter J. Crinnion ND
Report on Health Services and Workforce Issues
Catherine Dower, JD
Report on Women
Jane Guiltinan, ND
Apple Cider Vinegar
Christine Park, PharmD